Berkeley Meditation Method
Meditation Method
The reason it is not okay for people not to do discarding meditation method is:
The mind of a person is: Oneself takes pictures of his life lived into his brain.Inside those pictures are where tens of kinds of thoughts come from and that’s what stress and pain are.
People live as slaves of the pictures; this is why we throw away and eliminate.
For example, let’s bring up an apple and give that to an elephant.
Then just as that apple disappears, the pictures we have taken will also disappear if we throw them away.The life we have lived to now is also a picture, which is not real.
Each person’s mind is different because the life lived is different and the thoughts are also different.
Life lived and thoughts – throwing away those things is meditation method of discarding.
The reason for throwing away 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ROYGBIV(=7 step method) is because not a single thing is right about a person’s mind and thoughts since they are falseness which are pictures.
People are incomplete.
This is because people live in the human mind world, which is composed of one’s life lived and thoughts.If you throw these all away, return to the origin and are born again, then you eternally never die.
You know all the principles of the world and achieve human completion.
Last year alone, 5,000 people became complete. Can you do this study to the end?
When a person dies, there is nothing.
A person’s worth is when that person is alive.Once a person is born in the world, the most important thing is to live.
If one discards his life lived and thoughts which are not real, that is living in the false world, then he is born again as the body and mind of the Universe.
Only one who has been born again as the body and mind of the Universe, which does not die, can live to the age of the Universe, know the principles of the world, and achieve human completion.
7 Steps Method To Find It Within
Level 1: Throwing away remembered thoughts
Level 2: Throwing away images of myself, images of human relationships, and myself
Level 3: Throwing away the body of myself
Level 4: Throwing away the body of myself and the universe
Level 5: Throwing away the body of myself and the universe
Level 6: My self disappears and become the universe
Level 7: Throwing away the picture world and myself living in that world